Gluco-Lyte (5 x 40 g sachets)

A rehydration formula that helps to replace electrolytes in the body.

Gluco-Lyte helps treat dehydration caused by diarrhoea, vomiting and other illnesses, vigorous exercise or heat exhaustion.

Maintaining hydration is key to treating diarrhoea. Diarrhoea can result in dehydration due to the loss of water and essential electrolytes.

Gluco-Lyte also replaces lost body salts as well as fluid.

Active ingredients:

  • Potassium Chloride 24.4 mg/g
  • Sodium Chloride 8 mg/g
  • Sodium Citrate Dihydrate 27.75 mg/g

Each sachet dissolved in 600 mL of water provides an isotonic solution equivalent to 0.96% of Sodium Chloride.



  • Dissolve the contents of one sachet of Gluco-Lyte in
    600 mL of boiled and cooled water.
  • If diarrhoea persists in adults and children over 6 years, for greater than 48 hours seek medical advice.
  • If diarrhoea persists in children between 3 to 6 years, for greater than 24 hours seek medical advice.
  • If diarrhoea persists in children under 3 years, for greater than 12 hours seek medical advice.


For oral replacement of electrolytes for a person suffering from moderate dehydration:

  • Very young infants: 200-300 mL per day.
  • Infants to 1 year: 600 mL per day.
  • Children 1 to 6 years: 1200-1800 mL per day.
  • Children over 6 years to Adults: 2400-4000 mL per day.
  • Mild Dehydration: Due to diarrhoea, vomiting and high continuous fever: Drink between 600 mL and 1200 mL of the solution per day.
  • Heat Fatigue: Make the solution as above and drink instead of other fluids.



Did you know?

  • Replaces electrolytes quickly and effectively
  • Prevents dehydration and restores fluid loss due to diarrhoea, vomiting and gastroenteritis
  • Helps replace water and body salts, such as sodium and potassium after excessive perspiration
  • Contains therapeutic levels of glucose and electrolytes
  • Pleasant tasting
  • Suitable for use during pregnancy and lactation
  • Suitable for all ages
  • Useful as a refreshing drink for sports people, athletes, manual workers, active children… anytime where excessive perspiration leads to dehydration
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